Friday, January 4, 2008

Scrappy Mittens

Just like Grandma justed to make! 100% merino wool handknit mittens with extra long cuffs for maximum warmth, and a string to keep them in place, plus a little something extra from my scrap box for a bit of flair! Available in a variety of colors and with a variety of ornamentation - I'll even incorporate something in the design that's special to you!
Kid sizes $30.00
Adult sizes $35.00 and up

Scrappy Mittens in grey with black furry scraps

Buttons and Bows Mittens "Hearts" - trimmed with tiny satin ribbons anchored with a button heart

Buttons & Bows Mittens "Ladybugs" - trimmed with black velvet ribbon and a ladybug button at each wrist

Scrappy Mittens "China Walk" in aqua - This design is inspired by the angled walkways in classical Chinese gardens, such as those at Suzhou. Chinese legend says that ghosts can walk only on direct paths, and building walks with multiple angles keeps the ghosts out of the garden! This particular color coordinates with the "Seascape" scarf set.

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